Lancashire Times
A Voice of the Free Press
Jan Harris
Deputy Group Editor
3:00 AM 16th April 2022

The Paschal Full Moon Rises This Weekend

Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash
Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash
The full moon in the month of April will rise on the evening of Saturday 16 April. It is the Paschal full moon and also the Pink moon. The full moon occurs when it is exactly on the opposite side of the earth from the sun and will appear full for two to three nights.

Why the Paschal full moon?

The Paschal full moon is the first full moon after the spring equinox and determines the date of Easter. This full moon can sometimes be in March or April.

‘Paschal’ comes from Pascha, the Greek and Latin word for Passover.

Here’s the basic rule for finding the date:
Easter is observed on the Sunday following the Paschal full moon, which is the first full moon that occurs on or after the March equinox.

Why called the Pink Moon?

image / pixabay
image / pixabay
April's full moon is called the Pink moon heralding the appearance of the 'moss pink' or wild ground phlox - one of the first spring wild flowers which turn the meadows pink. Spiritually the Pink moon always signifies renewal and rebirth.

Regardless of its name April's full moon will not actually appear pink, as the moon never truly changes its colour and whatever shift of hue is visible at night is caused by atmospheric effects.

Other names for April’s full moon include the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon.

image /pixabay
image /pixabay
Full moons in 2022

Wolf Moon - 17 January
Snow Moon – 16 February
Worm Moon – 18 March
Pink Moon – 16 April
Flower Moon – 16 May (lunar eclipse)
Strawberry Moon – 14 June
Buck Moon – 13 July
Sturgeon Moon – 12 August
Corn/Harvest Moon – 10 September
Hunter’s Moon – 9 October
Beaver Moon – 8 November
Cold Moon – 8 December

How did the moon names originate?

Every month of the year there is a full moon which is given a different name. Many of these ancient moon names have been given based on the behaviour of the plants, animals, or weather during that month. It is said that they were the names given by Native American tribes and included into our modern calendar. However the full moon names we now use also have Anglo-Saxon and Germanic roots.

Different types of moons
Blue Moon – when a full moon occurs twice in the same month
Harvest Moon – this is around the autumnal equinox when farmers do most of their harvesting
Supermoon – Supermoons are said to appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter than usual.
Blood Moon – occurs during a total lunar eclipse

Why a full moon?

Photo by Guzmán Barquín on Unsplash
Photo by Guzmán Barquín on Unsplash
Full moons occur every 29.5 days or so as the moon moves to the side of Earth directly opposite the sun, reflecting the sun's rays off its full face and appearing as a brilliant, perfectly circular disk.

A full moon occurs when the moon's earth-facing side is completely illuminated by the sun. Scientists say that when you see the moon looking really large as it rises in the sky your brain is actually playing a trick on you.

There are many reasons as to why this is, but the main theory is that when the moon is low on the horizon it can be compared to earthly things, like buildings and trees, and this is why it seems huge.

The next full moon will rise on Monday 16 May and is the Flower Moon. It is also a lunar eclipse.