1:00 AM 3rd February 2024
Little-Known Driving Laws To Stop Breaking This Year
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Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Motorists are being urged to avoid incurring penalty points and fines this year by learning these little-known driving laws.
Car insurance comparison company Quotezone.co.uk say many may not be aware they are breaking unknown laws each time they get behind the wheel.
These lesser-known rules include playing loud music, hogging the middle lane and holding hands with a partner while driving.
Consequences for disobeying these rules and laws could lead to fines and prosecution.
Losing your cool and displaying acts of road rage could be classed as disorderly conduct, so experts are urging motorists to remain calm behind the wheel this year.
Greg Wilson, Founder and CEO of Quotezone.co.uk said:
“Going into a new year is a great chance to reset and review your habits. Motorists should take the time to understand some of the more unusual driving laws and regulations we have in the UK in case they might be breaking them.
“It might be the case that you like to play loud music while driving, have picked up the habit of hogging the middle lane or tend to let your dog hang out the window. However, these common mistakes could see you facing fines or even prosecution.
“With so many rules, it is easy to understand why so many motorists break them without even realising. Which is why we wanted to share some of the most unknown driving offences to avoid.”
Here are some little-known driving laws and rules of the road to stop breaking this year:
1. Keep the music down
Rule 148 of the Highway Code advises against excessive noise which may distract drivers from important sounds like sirens - which they need to be aware of. This means motorists should avoid playing excessively loud music while driving – it could be deemed a distraction, with a £100 fine and three penalty points.
2. Don’t hog the lanes
When driving on a three-lane motorway, drivers are advised to drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear, according to Highway Code rule 264. When overtaking, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as it is safe to do so. Remaining in the middle lane for longer than necessary can cause congestion and danger on the roads and is an offence which falls under ‘careless driving’.
3. Ventilation
A Highway Code many road users may not be aware of is Rule 237. This states drivers should keep their vehicle well-ventilated to avoid drowsiness - if a drowsy driver causes an accident, they might face charges like reckless or dangerous driving. This could lead to fines, license suspension, or even jail time.
4. Keep all paws in the car
Allowing your four-legged friend to hang their head out of the car window is against the law and could see motorists prosecuted by law in the case of an accident. Not having a dog properly restrained in the car could cause distraction for the driver and other road users.
5. Keep hands on the wheel
When behind the wheel, drivers should be careful to keep both hands on the wheel where possible, according to Highway Code rule 160. This means holding hands with a loved one or keeping a hand on someone's leg while driving could land you in hot water -drivers who take their hands off their vehicles steering wheel could face a £1000 fine and three penalty points.
6. Control your emotions
Swearing or gesturing at other road users can be considered as disorderly conduct, acts that law enforcement are able to take action against - they could also be fined for ‘not being in full control of a vehicle’ if their hands leave the wheel.
7. Avoid loud motors
In order to make their car louder, some motorists boost the sound of their exhaust without realising the legal repercussions. All exhaust silencers must be maintained and not modified, otherwise you will be breaking the law and could face fines.
Many of the rules in the Highway Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence - resulting in fines, penalty points on your licence, disqualification from driving and even prison.
Research done by